Graham’s Reserve Six Grapes Port 0.75
Region: Douro, Portugal
In the 19th century, Graham’s technologists began marking each oak barrel with a symbol corresponding to 1 to 6, depending on its ageing potential. The symbol 1 to 6 is defined by complexity, structure and balance. The wines noted are intended for bottling as vintage ports, but not all. In the early 19th century, Graham’s began bottling a selection of Port from special barrels, which it called Six Grapes or the winery’s iconic reserve.
Varieties: Toriga Nacional, Toriga Francesa, Tinta Baroca, Tinta Rorish, Tinta Cao
Tasting notes: The wine is aged for two years in oak barrels and is characterized by vigour, complexity and precision. Its style is recognisable and full-bodied, with flavours of blackberry, clove and blackcurrant. The rich fruit character makes it a perfect combination with dark chocolate.